You are going to spend a couple of hourse in the middle of nature, far away from the town noise. Your effort will be rewarded not only by the landscapes, but also by a immersion in nature and history. Discover the fortified churches in Aţel and Dupuş, the main points of interest situated on the trail course. Follow the hand-posts with the hiking sign and you will discover the observation points and the refuge and rest places.
Difficulty: medium
Marking: green
Ruta – 18 km: Aţel village – Cleafăr – Gaura Morii – Şuf – Valea Scurtă – La Brazi – Tobias peak – Transfăgărăşan – La Releu
Orientation: Hand-posts with the hiking sign
Aţel is located in Sibiu county, with access from the National Road 14, at a distance of 10 km from Mediaş and 27 km from Sighişoara.
The Evanghelic Church in Aţel, built in the last part of the XIVth century and fortified in the XV-th century, around the year 1460. Throughout centuries, the building has suffered a few changes; nowadays, it has a baroc rococo altar, dating back in 1792 and built by Yohann Folbarth from Sighişoara.
The Evanghelical Church in Aţel reunites a series of specific elements with a great architectural value, such as the Sacristy’s door. The wooden edges date back in 1499; the stone cadre, in the form of plaited wands, is made by the well-known stonemason Andreas Lapicida, from Sibiu.
The Evanghelic Church in Dupuş, built at the end of the XVth century, a fortified one hall church. The church has been renovated several times, in 1743, 1904 and 1969.
The Altar is the most valuable object and it was built in 1522. Its panels reveal scenes with Jesus nailed on the cross and with His Resurrection. The Altar has been restored in 1720 by the priest Johann Welther, and it is kept nowadays inside the Saint Margaret Church in Mediaş.
The church on the hill in Aţel is located in the Evanghelical cemetery, up on a hill which dominates the village. It has a flat roof and bent gothic windows, between which stand support collumns for the roof.